How to Change Your Primary and Redirected Domain Name?
Your main website address, or primary domain, is the primary way people can visit your site. If you have extra domain name linked to your site, they'll automatically guide visitors to your primary domain name. You can change one of these additional addresses to be your main address whenever you want. Doing this will then change your current primary domain name into a redirected domain that points to the new main one.
To make an alternate website address your main website address:
Visit your Domains page.
Click on "Set as Primary" beside the address you want to become the main address for your site.

Click on "Set as Primary Domain."
Give it 24 hours to fully switch over
During the first 24 hours, you can reach your site using both the new primary domain and the old one. After 24 hours, typing in the old address will automatically take you to the new main address in your web browser.
If you see an error message, it's important to check that both your main and alternate website addresses are correctly linked to Wix. Click here for help with fixing your connections.